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Academic Requirements and School Information


Endtime Christian School of Excellence students are taught in multi-aged classes. Classes

provide each student with opportunities for individualized learning that focuses on the student’s

strengths and weaknesses. The environment is established for the convenience of the student to

be comfortable and work in a setting that promotes their learning process

School Supply Lists

Graduation Requirements

Bullying Resources for Youth

There is a good chance that you have experienced bullying yourself, or that you have been the bully yourself. Probably, you have seen someone else being bullied. Bullying can take the form of words or deeds. It can be done from electronic devices. It includes repeatedly calling someone names, repeatedly excluding someone from the group, or physically harassing someone. If you feel like you are being mistreated or isolated and it is happening again and again, talk to an adult. Know there is help. If you find yourself bullying someone else, stop the behavior and make it right. Apologize. Focus on doing things differently from now on. Ask for help with your behavior. If you see someone being bullied, take a stand and support that person. If you feel safe, tell the person doing the bullying to stop. If you don't feel safe, walk away and try to bring the victim with you. Whether you are being bullied, being the bully, or seeing someone being bullied, know that there is help. Start by talking to an adult you can trust.

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